Wandering is a very real risk for those suffering from Alzheimer's, affecting 3 out of 5 patients. When disoriented, Alzheimer patients are at risk of wandering around aimlessly, and those who are not found after 24 hours are likely to suffer serious injuries or even death. If you don't have the resources to provide the constant care and supervision that is needed for a relative with Alzheimer's, consider signing them into a memory care facility.
19 July 2016
It is not abnormal for a person's appetite to decrease as they age. There are numerous factors that can cause an elderly individual to eat less, many of which should be expected as the years advance. However, when an older person begins to reduce their food consumption to the point where it causes negative health effects, it is time for caregivers and loved ones to intervene. Below are a few ideas that can help an elderly person increase their appetite:
18 April 2016
Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease that can impact a person's cognitive abilities and memory over time. This disease can be very frustrating to the person afflicted with it, and it can be heartbreaking for family members. If you are going to have a loved one with Alzheimer's move into your home and you plan to be his or her caregiver, consider the following tips: Make Your Home Safe A person with Alzheimer's can forget what items around the house are dangerous, how to properly use the phone, and where things are located inside a home.
13 January 2016